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December 2023 Posts

Happy New Year’s Eve

31st of December, 2023

Happy New Year’s Eve ??

Grateful for you who has supported me over the last year and you who still believes in me. Your support means more than I can put into words, but a simple thank you can go a long way … THANK YOU! ❤️

I see you, even if I don’t always have the time to respond to your wonderful comments on my posts. You’re amazing! ❤️

Wishing you a year of health, wealth and the kind of happiness that truly matters.
Happy New Year 2024 ????

2023 has been a troubled year for me, but also one with positive changes and lessons learned. I know most of you don’t care about my troubles, so I won’t bore you with that. Living in the past is not the solution anyway, so I prefer to focus on the present and future.

I don’t expect 2024 to take away all my troubles at midnight today. But I’m going into 2024 with hope, confidence and determination. If I go down, at least I will have tried my best.

2024 will be a year with lots of changes, setting boundaries, focus and finding my true self. Some of you will not like those changes, mostly the ones that are not even reading this, but I know I will be left with the people that like me for who I am.

2024 will be great! ?

Do you have new year resolutions?

Going Out in Style

30th of December, 2023
Going out in style ? Only 2 days left ... Enjoy your last weekend of the year ???? In case you won’t be much online the next days ... Enjoy your New Year’s Eve celebrations, have fun and keep it safe. Happy New Year 2024 ??
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