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Motivation Quote

27th of November, 2023

7 Rules Of Life ❤️

✅ 1. Let It Go
Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday.

✅ 2. Ignore Them
What other people think of you is none of your business.

✅ 3. Give It Time
Time heals almost everything.

✅ 4. Don’t Compare
The only person you should try to beat is the person you were yesterday.

✅ 5. Stay Calm
It’s okay not to have everything figured out. Know that in time, you’ll get there.

✅ 6. It’s On You
Only you are in charge of your happiness.

✅ 7. Smile
Life is short. Enjoy it while you have it.

What do you think of these?
Personally I think it's solid advice, although not always easy to follow. But I've made progress over the last years and will keep trying to do better ?


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