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Happy Star Trek Day

8th of September, 2023

Happy Star Trek Day! #StarTrekDay
Live Long and Prosper ?

What is your favourite thing about Star Trek?
What’s something from Star Trek that you would like to see become reality?
Favourite Star Trek movie/series?
Favourite Star Trek character?
Share anything about Star Trek in the comments below.

I actually only got very late into Star Trek. My hubby was already a fan and a few years ago I started to watch together … now I’m hooked and excited for everything Star Trek. I’m a little bit of a newbie Trekkie ?

To answer my own questions:
- the stories and underlying messages
- replicator, holodeck, transporter
- Voyager, also because it was my introduction
- Quark from Deep Space 9

Did you know that they almost build a life size Enterprise in downtown Las Vegas? It would be so awesome if they could build a theme park (doesn’t have to be Vegas) only about Star Trek, with sections for each series and movies … What do you think? Would you go?


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